1. John Krige, “National Security and Academia. Regulating the International Circulation of Knowledge,” Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, 70: 2 (2014), 42-52.
There has been an increase in constraints on Chinese nationals participating in unclassified basic research in the USA in diverse forums (conferences, university laboratories etc). This paper situates the curent debate in a history of tension between scientific openess and national security in the US since 1945, and highlights the ‘deemed export’ as one particularly controversial and contested site at which knowledge circulation between US and foreign nationals is regulated. For access to the published version, not freely available, click here
2. John Krige, “‘The Problem of Evil’ and Postwar Scientific Cooperation in Europe,” For Corine de France and Anne Kwaschik, eds, Science, Internationalization and the Cold War (Paris: Armand Colin)
This paper problematizes the almost complete absence of any reference to ‘the problem of evil’ in the actor’s accounts and historical analyses of the postwar reconstruction of technoscientific institutions in Western Europe. It emphasizes the emotional work and associated instiutional arranangements that were needed to establish CERN and ESO (European Southern Observatory) with West Germany as a member state. For a pdf click here
3. John Krige: “Diplomacy (post-1945), Science and Technology and,” in Hugh R. Slotten, ed, The Oxford Encyclopedia of the History of American Science, Medicine and Technology (Oxford, 2014), 252-267.
Describes the many ways in which science and technology were wielded by the US as political weapons in the cold war, emphasizing that the quest for political leaderhsip and for scientific pre-eminence are mutually reinforcing drivers of American global reach. Organized by topics: periodization, leading, confronting, fighting, collaborating, modernization, ‘americanization’, symbolizing. For a pdf click here
4. John Krige, “The Birth of EMBO and the Difficult Road to EMBL,” Stud. In Hist. Phil. Bio. & Biomed. Sciences, 37 (2002), 547-564.
An analysis of the conflicting attitudes held by Kendrew and Waddington to establishing a European laboratory for molecular biology in the early 1960s, stressing that what was at stake between them cannot be reduced to the need, or not, to have large scientific research equipment as at CERN. For a pdf click here
5. John Krige, European Molecular Biology Organization/Laboratory (EMBO/EMBL), published online in June 2013 by Wiley
Describes the ongoing opposition in the UK in the 1960s to John Kendrew’s plan to establish a European research facility for molecular biology. For a pdf, click here
6. John Krige, Review of Kiran Klaus Patel, “Provincilializing European Union”, in Contemporary European History 22:4 (2013), 649-673, on H-Diplo listserve, URL: http://h-diplo.org/reviews/PDF/AR466.pdf, published on 20 June 2014.
For a pdf click here
7. John Krige, ‘Soft Power and the UK’s Influence,’ written evidence submitted to the UK House of Lords Committee on Soft Power and Britain’s Influence
Defines the meaning of soft power and argues that the UK should lever its education and research in science and technology as instruments of soft power. For all written submissions selected for publication, click here. My brief text is at pp. 401 – 403.
8. John Krige, The Social, Environmental and Personal Costs of Cold War Competition Reviews in American History, 42:3 (2014), 505 – 512.
Review of Kate Brown, Plutopia, Scott Kaufman, Project Plowshare, Yanek Mieczkowski. Eisenhower’s Sputnik Moment, and Audra Wolfe, Competing with the Soviets, for a pdf, click here
9. John Krige, “Concluding Remarks,” in N. Oreskes and J. Krige, eds, Science, Technology and the Global Cold War (MIT Press, 2014).
Brings together the book’s findings on the role of science and technology in the cold war, casting a critical eye over the Forman-Kevles debate that originally inspired the project. For a pdf of the proof, click here